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Publication type: Journal Article
Authors: L. Leonardi, L. Lo Bello, G. Patti
Journal: Applied System Innovation
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Date: Jan. 2023
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a wireless technology for low-power low-cost and low-complexity short-range communications.
On top of the BLE stack, the Bluetooth Mesh profile can be adopted to handle large networks with mesh topologies. BLE is a promising candidate for implementing Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs), thanks to its wide diffusion (e.g., on smartphones and tablets) and the lower cost of the devices compared to other wireless industrial communications technologies. However, neither the BLE specifications nor the Bluetooth Mesh ones can provide real-time messages with bounded delays.
To overcome this limitation, this work proposes RESEMBLE, a real-time stack developed on top of BLE that is able to realize low-cost IWSNs over mesh topologies. RESEMBLE offers support to both real-time and non-real-time communications on the same network. Moreover, RESEMBLE provides clock synchronization, thus allowing Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) transmissions.
The clock synchronization provided by RESEMBLE can be also exploited by the upper layers' industrial applications to implement time-coordinated actions.
Keywords: Bluetooth Low Energy; mesh networks; real-time networks
Publisher: MDPI
Status: published
Cite as:
L. Leonardi, L. Lo Bello, G. Patti, "RESEMBLE: A Real-Time Stack for Synchronized Mesh Mobile Bluetooth Low Energy Networks", Applied System Innovation, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 2023