Prof. Lucia Lo Bello, PhD

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica (DIEEI) - Università degli Studi di Catania

Towards Time-sensitive Networking in Heterogeneous Platforms with Virtualization

Publication type:  Conference Proceeding

Authors: L. Leonardi, L. Lo Bello, G. Patti

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)

Address: Vienna, Austria

Pages: 1155-1158

Date: Sept. 2020

The advent of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) heterogeneous multicore platforms is offering many opportunities in the market of embedded computing systems for many application scenarios. The integration of multiple computing elements in a single device entails impressive performance capabilities. At the same time, the increased complexity of emerging systems requires the integration of more subsystems and functionalities, among others the communication subsystem. This work deals with the desirable properties of software transmission mechanisms to enable TSN communications in heterogeneous platforms handled by a hypervisor. Moreover, preliminary simulation results provide some insights on the limits and the advantages of the investigated architectures.

Keywords: Time-Sensitive Networking, SPHERE, Heterogeneous Platforms, Hypervisor, Real-time Systems

Publisher: IEEE

ISBN: 978-1-7281-8956-7

Status: published

Cite as:
 L. Leonardi, L. Lo Bello, G. Patti, "Towards Time-sensitive Networking in Heterogeneous Platforms with Virtualization", IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), pp. 1155-1158, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2020

Copyright © 2024, Prof. Lucia Lo Bello, PhD